Norfolk Honey - Honey Bees for sale - five frame nuc

Honey comb ready for extraction

Five frame nuc

The first nucs of the year will be on five frames (when they are sold with my queen rearing course). The five frames will consist of three frames of eggs and brood and two frames of stores. The queens will be 2010 queens.

The only possible downside of having a previous year's queen is that the bees are more likely to build up their numbers and swarm. Especially when you feed them sugar solution to give them the extra energy to draw out the new foundation in the box.

This is where my queen rearing course comes into play. On the course I take you through the process of creating an artificial swarm (using the extra kit supplied) and rearing your first queen from your own bees thus turning a disadvanage into an advantage.

If all goes to plan you will end up with two queens one in each of two boxes. Each brood box can then have two supers put on and you should have enough bees in both boxes for your bees to make you some honey in your first year.

In order to end up with two strong hives out of the one nuc you need an early start and a generous sized nuc to begin with. With some luck the first week in May will be relatively warm and sunny and if you pick you nuc up then and feed them up and keep feeding them you should have a strong enough hive of bees to 'split' in June.

Beginners - secure your bees with a deposit - click here

Apart from this special beginners offer nucs can also be collected in brood boxes and in traveling boxes that I make up to order in May, June, July and August .



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